Friday, November 16, 2007


Last Minute, Pre- (and now post-) Shkia Parsha Blogging

Isn't it interesting how Isaac and Jacob, the (not oldest) children favored by their mothers rather than their fathers, constite the line from which the Israelites are descended? What does that say about us Jews that we'd construct our founding narrative this way? In particular also that we'd construct the narrative that we have been established by such a Loki figure as Jacob?

And what does it say that kind Rivka liked Jacob while boyish yet (according to Midrash) overly studious Isaac like Esau? What are the weakness implied in the judgement of character by those who are too kind or too studious?

In general, echoing previous blogging on the subject of Toldoth ("history", "generations") what is the meaning of the tropes (ha! ha! aren't I punny?) in Genesis?


Now I have only about 16.5 hours (for 8 of which I'll be asleep) to figure out what I'm gonna say when I give a D'var Torah to the kinder at the Youth Minyan tomorrow. My students don't understand me when I try to teach them Hebrew ... how'll they understand me when I try to get into the d'rash of this week's Torah portion?


Updates (17 Nov 2007): pardon the spelling errors ... also blogging for this last week's Parsha is in the comments.

You could always read them what every liberal reads... the text of a Kahane speech.

Hee Hee...:)
I shoulda done that ;)

Actually, I just went over some key points in the parsha ... you know, the usual stuff (adjusted for an audience of kids) about Jacob getting his just desserts -- being deceived by his uncle (who recognizes him as someone just like himself) after deceiving his father -- Rachel stealing the idols, the origins of the Bedeken ceremony, etc.

One of the kids was really sharp and really smart (I wish she'd be so sharp in her Hebrew class where I teach her) and is on her way to becoming a lawyer ... she said the problem was Jacob got nothing in writing.

Of course, I, being a good lefty, brought up the issue of Laban claiming that everything of Jacob's was really his (Laban's) because, essentially Laban put up the capital for it. The Torah seems rather dismissive of this argument, that you often hear ... "I put up the capital therefore it's mine". Nu? Who says that the Bobble ain't Commie? ;)

I guess this now counts as my Parsha blogging for this last week's Parsha as well.
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