Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Who's Afraid of Nancy Pelosi?

A lot of people it seems: maybe it's some sort of biased media coverage, but a lot of "everyday folk being interviewed" still are saying "I dunno about those Republicans, but I'm not gonna vote Dem. lest we end up with Speaker Pelosi". But what is so frightening about Pelosi? How did she get a reputation as such an extremist partisan bomb-thrower with no counterpart in the GOP? Perhaps it's a matter of standing out? A GOoPer version of Pelosi would just be part of the partisan, bomb-throwing crowd, but when you have folks like Lieberman 'round, Pelosi looks like a rabid (moon)bat?

Still, what's so frightening about Pelosi? Or even more confusing to me: Reid? Or H.R. Clinton? Are people that conservative, or even merely that afraid of gay married terrorists having abortions, that they think even the latter two moderates are too frickin' liberal, or are people just that farchadat about where the center of the political spectrum is and where, for that matter, they are? It is amazing how carefully the Republicans have set up the playing field, framed the game and worked the refs (e.g. the constant complaining about the "liberal media"), nu?

Update, cf. Rev. RMJ who as of late has very much adapted a plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose attitude toward any change in "leadership", which, if believable, would make one wonder what all the "I'm so scared of Pelosi" fuss is about ...

As a card carrying democrat.. the answer is simple.. We don't feel a liberal represents the majority of democrats.. just a small minority of us.

I'll grant Pelosi is a liberal. But what specifically would a Speaker Pelosi push that you would find particularly disagreeable?

Moreover, unless I've misunderstood you, you would at least find a Speaker Pelosi to be preferable to, e.g., the current state of affairs. But there are many people who don't seem to be all that reactionary who are nonetheless more afraid of a Speaker Pelosi than of what's going on now. But if one is indeed a thorough-going centrist, how really would a House led by an admittedly liberal Speaker Pelosi be more frightening than the current situation where Congress defers to much to the reactionary Bush admin? That's what I don't get ...

Also, Nate, as a self-proclaimed non-liberal Democrat, how do you feel about Reid, who isn't all that liberal?
You would at least find a Speaker Pelosi to be preferable to the current state of affairs. But there are many people who don't seem to be all that reactionary who are nonetheless more afraid of a Speaker Pelosi than of what's going on now.

You got it. Sexism.
"Anonymous" ... welcome to DAS Blog, whomever you are! :)


So, it would seem then that if the GOP wins again this year, it would be yet another election the GOP won because of sexism/homophobia (which I lump together because often homophobia is motivated by sexism) ...

Wow! People are so sexist they are willing to send this country to hell in a hand-basket for it? Pretty frightening if ya ask me ...
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