Monday, December 24, 2007


DAS Creativity Blogging: Unoriginal Music and Original Poem Edition

Above (I can't seem to make them go below, and I guess you'll have to download them to see them in a readable size) are two pieces, which I have arranged. The first is a quartet arrangement for one of my favorite Bach pieces (and of all pieces for a Jew to like). The second is a pastiche of tunes, all of which are familiar. Indeed, perhaps this very pastiche and general arrangement/accompaniment has been done before, but no doubt a few original touches have worked their way into this music as it tumbled through my head (which is why I feel I can present it on my blog). I think this latter piece should be played on guitar, 5-string banjo or guitar and viola/cello (carrying the melody), or possibly transposed to play on the violin accompanied by the guitar or banjo. Actually, it might need transposition anyway to be in range of even the guitar. Hopefully the Bach piece is within range of the desired instruments.

Also, I'm now wondering if I should change the second and/or third chord(s) of "verse 3" to be the same as the last chord of that verse to have a bit of a "do-re-mi" effect ...


Meanwhile, for some originality, a poem I've been meaning to post for quite some time now:

Flight 2258: Descent into Charlotte

From the ground
I found
out later ... it was
another partially cloudy noontime

I guess,
are best
appreciated with a certain sense
of perspective

As from the air
the array of clouds,
fluffy cumulus scales on
a fish but too large to be those
of a mackerel,
was a matrix ready to rotate
a thousand dimensional version
of the Earth below

It was an antique checkerboard
of porcelain soldiers
carried in the sky
hanging from invisible strings
a gift to a long dead Emperor
on the other side
of the World

Descending through this endless grove
of trunkless cotton trees
the clouds turned out to be
country line dancers
or maybe absorbed partygoers
essaying the electric slide
buffeting the plane
as it coasted
from the disco ball
on the ceiling
to the extra bar
in the club's

From the ground
I found
out later ... it was
another partially cloudy noontime

I guess,
are best
appreciated with a certain sense
of perspective

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